At € 1,324.7 million, consolidated sales exceeded the billion mark in fiscal 2022, up € 345.0 million or 35.2 % on the previous year’s figure of € 979.6 million. This growth was significantly greater than expected and was mainly due to average selling prices for many of the commodities we produce being appreciably higher than anticipated, accompanied by increased sales volumes.

All six operating segments of the PCC Group contributed to this positive sales performance. The main sales driver was the Chlorine & Derivatives segment. This segment also made by far the largest contribution to the historically good consolidated earnings result in 2022, followed by the Surfactants & Derivatives, Polyols & Derivatives and Logistics segments. By contrast, the Silicon & Derivatives and Trading & Services segments closed the past fiscal year with a loss. Details of the different business developments in the individual segments
can be found in the following analysis in which the respective prior-year figures have been restated to reflect the new segment structure.